My mom is going to be thrilled when she reads this.
I'm admitting that she's right.
I have a bad grammar habit that she points out every time I go home.
It happened again over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Flashback to Sunday.
Me: "I saw that Facebook movie. The Social Network. It was really good."
Mom: "Oh. Who all went?"
Me: "Just me and Chris."
Mom: "Who?"
Me: "Me and Chris."
Mom: "Chris and I! Weren't you an English major? And aren't you a journalist now?"
Me: (Grumble, grumble.)
But it's true. I say "so-and-so and me" all the time. It's a hard habit to break. And I never even think about it until my mom brings it up in our conversations.
But it's a habit I need to break because I'm sure there are industry professionals out there who are like my mom who would notice every time I said "so-and-so and me".
So I'll try my best, mom. But for my sanity and my pride, just let one or two of those slide once in a while.
(Image from
My parents used to pester me too. Then I really got into it and started correcting them. They regret doing that now. hehe