Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Coming around to social media

So I'm still not convinced social media will save the news. I fear social media is dumbing down the news into bite-sized fragments so people will know the headlines, but nothing of substance.

When Dawna Friesen was at Red River College and shared her concerns about social media and her reluctance to use it, I agreed with many of her points, though she was criticized by many of my classmates for being archaic, unwilling to change and closed-minded.

But my work placement advisor, Cathy Hanson, sent me an interview with Katie Couric, who is a great example of a big-time journalist who takes advantage of social media to the max with webcasts and Twitter and online content. She's a busy lady, but she sees an advantage to bringing news to the mediums people use in their everyday lives.

She makes some good points and I strongly recommend a view for any journalists pondering the value of social media in journalism and how they can start to use it.

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