Thursday, March 25, 2010

Anticipating Glee

Being in CreComm doesn't leave a lot of time for TV shows.

Or hobbies.

Or friendships.

Or anything really.

But last semester, every Wednesday night, I pushed my CreComm responsibilities aside.

For Glee.

Yes, I do like music. And musicals. But I have to admit I wasn't too eager to give Glee a chance at first. I detested High School Musical, and worried Glee would be much the same.

But I couldn't have been more wrong.

While there is still the element of cheese, Glee is an extremely well-written, hilarious show. It's characters are misfits with their own unqiue quirks. Most notably Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch), the ridiculously inappropriate cheerleading coach and sworn worst enemy of the glee club. She even has her own show on the late night news. My favourite Sue quote from season 1: "I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picture little birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and it disgusts me."

But the true genius of Glee is that the show celebrates the glee club and its members, but mocks them at the same time. You root for the characters who have elements of ridiculousness to all of them, and you want their club to succeed while laughing at them for taking themselves too seriously.

Though CreComm is almost over, season two starts up on April 13. And though I will be buried in a pile of homework and won't have talked to my own mother for weeks, I will find a way to spend one hour in front of the TV.

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