Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blogging about blogging!

I've officially been a "blogger" now for 43 days. Is it a milestone worth celebrating?

Well, I'm not going to lie, it still makes me shudder a little bit. But the last 43 days have been a unique experience, and I have decided to share it with you (completely of my own volition - it has nothing to do with the assignment I may or may not have to do in PR class today so Citytv has something to shoot).

Initial Impressions

When I first learned that part of our CreComm curriculum would include the creation and fostering of our own blog, I was less than impressed. I have always held a negative opinion about blogging.

I am not someone who likes to share my personal opinions with anyone who will listen. I prefer to do that among friends and family as part of a conversation, rather than a rant. I feel that that way I will learn more and my opinions can continue to develop. To me, blogging feels more like propaganda. Though there is a 'comments' section, it is often a one-sided conversation.

Another particular problem I have with blogging is the lack of credibility associated with it. Anyone can say anything they want, and often are never held accountable for it. And if they are, it is through a computer screen. To have a blog, you don't even have to have an identity (anonymous bloggers). No one is required to take responsibility for anything they say, no matter how hurtful or untrue it is.

43 Days Later

To be honest, my opinion has not changed much.

I have certainly learned more about blogging. Before I entered CreComm, I don't know if I'd ever read a blog - I certainly never followed one. Now, however, I follow the blogs of my classmates, and I've learned more about the format and different focuses and styles of blogs.

However, I still just see it as a bunch of opinions. Not to say there is anything too wrong with that. While some are more interesting than others, I still do not find myself logging on to blogger everyday and searching for the latest posts, eager to see what everyone is thinking. I would much rather have a conversation with my classmates than read their blog.

In All Fairness

Not all blogs are full of rants and opinions, and not all bloggers are people screaming to have their voices heard, hidden behind the safety of a computer screen.

Some bloggers do not try to take themselves too seriously, and view blogging more as a personal creative outlet.

It is not my chosen way to express myself, but freedom of opinion and freedom of expression is important in a democracy, and blogging is another outlet for both of those things.

To Wrap It Up

If it were not a requirement, I still would not have a blog.

Do I think the world would be a little better off without blogging? Maybe.

However, I do realize that, with the way communications professions are changing, it is almost a required skill of some kind. It is another medium through which to reach people, for better or worse. And now, many journalists are required to blog for their outlet's website.

So I will keep giving it my best shot and trying to improve my blogging style (because it really is a unique style.)

I just still somewhat hang my head in shame every time I hit "post".